We Know What You’re Up Agains

Offering high quality, comprehensive employee health benefits is important to retain and attract talent, but the cost of healthcare continues to skyrocket, with many pending legislative and regulatory proposals only threatening to compound the problem. Since employee health benefits are the second largest employer cost, behind only wages, surging healthcare costs make it difficult for employers to grow their businesses, hire workers, and invest in their communities.

We Understand Massachusetts

The Bay State needs to compete for jobs and talent to curb outmigration and grow the economy. Healthcare costs are rising faster than inflation and other states are providing equal or better care for less. Moderating the cost of providing health benefits to their workers will better position employers to hire and free up state resources for other, much-needed priorities.

The Employer Coalition on Health is Your Voice

ECOH will advocate for more affordable health care by working to:

  • Contain healthcare costs to improve Massachusetts’s economic competitiveness
  • Promote stability of the commercial health insurance market
  • Bend the healthcare cost curve by addressing underlying healthcare cost drivers
  • Oppose shifting of costs to the commercially insured market from other market segments
  • Require cost-benefit analyses prior to the enactment of any legislation that will affect commercial health insurance premiums
  • Emphasize and promote the Cost Growth Benchmark
  • Make the large variation in the cost of healthcare services more transparent to purchasers
  • Streamline and automate administrative functions
  • Encourage health care system innovation to reduce cost and improve access and quality
  • Ensure the employer voice is represented in the important health policy conversations taking place on Beacon Hill

“I’m just trying to run my business in this challenging economy. I don’t have the time or connections to lobby lawmakers and make them understand how climbing health care costs are hurting us. That’s why I’m glad ECOH is there to make our case.”

– Erin Calvo-Bacci, Owner of CB Stuffers

Join the Employer Coalition on Health Today!

To learn more contact:
Eileen McAnneny
President, Employer Coalition on Health